- ● Introduction
- ● Nanoparticle Size and Zeta Potential Analyzer
The SLS technology measures the weight-average molecular weight of macromolecules such as polymers and proteins that are dissolved in solutions. During an SLS measurement, the instrument detects scattering intensities of particles in solutions with different concentrations. The Rayleigh ratios of samples at different concentrations were calculated and plotted against concentrations into a Debye plot. The molecular weight Mw and the second virial coefficient A2 are then obtained through the intercept and slope from the linear fitting of the Debye plot, respectively.
Nanoparticle Size and Zeta Potential Analyzer

BeNano 180 Zeta Pro
Nanoparticle Size and Zeta Potential Analyzer
Technology: Dynamic Light Scattering, Electrophoretic Light Scattering, Static Light Scattering